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Release notes version1.4.2 version1.4.2


new CreateSmsKey    New in 1.4.2

Creates an SMS key.

JSON example

var smsDetails =
    AccountId: "3899512",
    AccessRights: "225,234",
    ValidFrom: "2021/07/11",
    ValidTo: "2021/09/25",
    TimeFrom: "14:50",
    TimeTo: "14:50",
    Mobile_Phone: "+23466565634344"

var smsdetails = JSON.stringify(smsDetails);

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "12346656789", customerId: 1, SmsDetails: smsdetails},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

SmsDetails SmsDetails
An SmsDetails object.

Return value

Type: Object<SmsKey>
An object of SmsKey information.


new CreateQRKey    New in 1.4.2

Creates an QR key.

JSON example

var qrDetails =
    AccountId: "2919271",
    Name: "QrKey_NM",
    Surname: "QrKey_SNM",
    AccessRights: "295",
    ValidFrom: "2021/06/11",
    ValidTo: "2021/06/29",
    TimeFrom: "14:50",
    TimeTo: "14:50",
    Mobile_Phone: "+46712345678",
    Email: ""

var qrdetails = JSON.stringify(qrDetails);

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "12346656789", customerId: 1, QrDetails: qrdetails},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

QrDetails QrDetails
An QrDetails object.

Return value

Type: Object<QRKey>
An object of QRKey information.


new CreatePincode    New in 1.4.2

Creates a CreatePincode.

JSON example

var pincodeDetails =
    AccountId: "38995",
    AccessRights: "225,234",
    ValidFrom: "2021/03/11",
    ValidTo: "2021/06/29",
    TimeFrom: "14:50",
    TimeTo: "14:50",
    Pincode: "7246"

var pincodedetails = JSON.stringify(pincodeDetails);

    type: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: {customerKey: "12346656789", customerId: 1, PincodeDetails: pincodedetails},
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {},
    error: function (data) {}


string customerKey
The string representing the unique web key of the customer in the database.

int customerId
The int representing the unique ID of the customer in the database.

PincodeDetails PincodeDetails
A PincodeDetails object.

Return value

Type: Object<CreatedPincode>
An object of CreatedPincode information.


A class representing the SmsDetails information.


class SmsDetails
    string AccountId
    string AccessRights (Access right id comma separated)
    string ValidFrom (Desire valid from date, should not lower than account valid from date)
    string ValidTo (Desire valid to date, should not greater than account valid to date)
    string TimeFrom (Desire valid to time, should not greater than account valid to time)
    string TimeTo
    string Mobile_Phone (Mobile number to send the created key)


A class representing the QrDetails information.


class QrDetails
    string AccountId
    string Name (Optional, should use the account name if its null or empty)
    string Surname (Optional, should use the account surname if its null or empty)
    string AccessRights (Access right id comma separated)
    string ValidFrom (Desire valid from date, should not lower than booking valid from date)
    string ValidTo (Desire valid to date, should not greater than booking valid to date)
    string TimeFrom (Desire valid from time, should not greater than account valid to time)
    string TimeTo (Desire valid to time, should not greater than account valid to time)
    string Mobile_Phone (Mobile number to send the created key)
    string Email (Email to send the created key)


A class representing the PincodeDetails information.


class PincodeDetails
    string AccountId
    string AccessRights (Access right id comma separated)
    string ValidFrom (Desire valid from date, should not lower than booking valid from date)
    string ValidTo (Desire valid to date, should not greater than booking valid to date)
    string TimeFrom (Desire valid from time, should not greater than account valid to time)
    string TimeTo (Desire valid to time, should not greater than account valid to time)
    string Pincode (Optional)	(Desire 4 digit pincode, no input meaning generate unique pincode)
    string Email (Email to send the created key)


A class representing the SmsKey information.


class SmsKey
    string SmsKeyUrl
    bool CreationResult


A class representing the QRKey information.


class QRKey
    string QRKeyUrl
    bool CreationResult


A class representing the CreatedPincode information.


class CreatedPincode
    bool CreationResult
    string Pincode
    string Message
    string AccountId